4 Things I Work On When I Start a Novel, Part 2

Last week, I blogged part one of this topic. Please check it out, if you haven’t already, because the list below piggybacks on part one. Here are four more things I work on when I start writing a novel. 1. “Stuff That Can Go Wrong” list I created this concept after banging my head overContinueContinue reading “4 Things I Work On When I Start a Novel, Part 2”

4 Things I Work On When I Start a Novel

As I begin writing my next book, I thought it might be cool to share how I start the process. Also, I’d love to hear what steps YOU take when you start a new manuscript. But enough about you. Back to me… With every new writing project, I’ve been fine-tuning my approach. I’ve got anContinueContinue reading “4 Things I Work On When I Start a Novel”

There’s Something To Be Said for…

I’m in between writing books. I finished one, and it’s ready for an editor’s critique. In a future post, I’ll discuss the process that I’m tweaking to start writing my next book. But for now, I’m reflecting. I’m feeling introspective. I have the Thinking Man pose. Several things come to mind. Okay, 8 things. There’sContinueContinue reading “There’s Something To Be Said for…”

Tabloids, Grocery Drama, and Fiction

A tabloid made me take my eye off the ball. I was standing in a long line at the grocery store, six back from the register. At least ten more shoppers were behind me. And no other checkout lane was better. A “major” storm was coming to D.C.-metro land. Weather folks had predicted a walloping.ContinueContinue reading “Tabloids, Grocery Drama, and Fiction”

Clawing to The End of a WIP

I’ve been clawing my way to the end of a manuscript. I think this first draft is pretty decent, given how first drafts can be. It just feels like I clawed my way through at the end. Am I the only one who’s felt that way? Getting to the end is so different from the otherContinueContinue reading “Clawing to The End of a WIP”

6 Weird Stages: After Hearing My Editor’s Feedback

I found an editor. I sent her my fiction manuscript. I awaited her feedback. And I got it. Her email. Track changes. Phone call. And then things got weird. For me, not for her. She was fine. She is fine. She’s quite good. But I wasn’t surprised. I had done my research. I also likedContinueContinue reading “6 Weird Stages: After Hearing My Editor’s Feedback”

Formatting a Fiction Manuscript? Check These 7 Things

I’m working on the finishing touches of my novella before I send it off to an editor. Fixing copyediting issues, checking the tags, changing the tags—reviewing, tweaking, picking, agonizing, self-doubting, teeth-grinding, and rinse-and-repeating… Between all of that, I realized that I hadn’t spent a whole lot of time on the big picture. I don’t meanContinueContinue reading “Formatting a Fiction Manuscript? Check These 7 Things”

Quick Points on Rewriting the First Line, First Paragraph, First Chapter

I’ve rewritten the first chapter of my WIP about six times. First paragraph? Probably a few more than that.  I had received feedback from one beta-reader that my second chapter was stronger than the first. And another beta-reader informed me that she got into my book “after the first chapter.” After isn’t good. During isContinueContinue reading “Quick Points on Rewriting the First Line, First Paragraph, First Chapter”

So, There’s This Pitch-Your-Work-On-Twitter Thing, #DVPit

Did you know that aspiring authors can pitch their work on Twitter? Okay, maybe you did. Clearly, I did not—or, it just didn’t fully fire through the ol’ brain synapses until today. Either way, I’m excited about it, which is good blog fodder. Today, April 26, 2018, from 8 a.m. ET to 8 p.m. ET,ContinueContinue reading “So, There’s This Pitch-Your-Work-On-Twitter Thing, #DVPit”

Revising the First Draft—My Story

I read online about Revising the First Draft. Those online people make it seem really straight-forward. They must know what they’re talking about. They’ve got books published and writerly looking profile pics. I follow their advice. I decide to print out my draft, rather than edit it on the computer. That’s going to be a lot ofContinueContinue reading “Revising the First Draft—My Story”