Santa Bring Me a Ryan, Available Now

Santa Bring Me a Ryan is available now, and I’m so excited to introduce Jules Carmichael to you. She’s likable, relatable, and not about to let any Scrooge behavior come between her and her Christmas wish. Described as a “whimsical holiday romp,” Santa Bring Me a Ryan is a fun escape for the hectic holidayContinueContinue reading “Santa Bring Me a Ryan, Available Now”

Coming Soon, Santa Bring Me a Ryan

  Earlier this year, I decided to start writing something a little different. A holiday romance novel. I wanted it to be fun—a light-hearted love story with rom-com movie flair, like my novella Fake It Til She Makes It. I wondered: what will the female main character’s goal be? Maybe she’ll want something for Christmas? RyanContinueContinue reading “Coming Soon, Santa Bring Me a Ryan”

Coming Soon, Fake It Til She Makes It

Soon I’ll be introducing my debut book, Fake It Til She Makes It, a novella about 140 pages long. I like to call it a #FFFRomance: Funny, Fast-Paced, Fun Romantic Comedy. An ex-boyfriend. A fake relationship. A company weekend retreat. What can possibly go wrong? Jacob wants to make amends… Five years ago, Jacob LancasterContinueContinue reading “Coming Soon, Fake It Til She Makes It”

4 Things I Work On When I Start a Novel, Part 2

Last week, I blogged part one of this topic. Please check it out, if you haven’t already, because the list below piggybacks on part one. Here are four more things I work on when I start writing a novel. 1. “Stuff That Can Go Wrong” list I created this concept after banging my head overContinueContinue reading “4 Things I Work On When I Start a Novel, Part 2”

4 Things I Work On When I Start a Novel

As I begin writing my next book, I thought it might be cool to share how I start the process. Also, I’d love to hear what steps YOU take when you start a new manuscript. But enough about you. Back to me… With every new writing project, I’ve been fine-tuning my approach. I’ve got anContinueContinue reading “4 Things I Work On When I Start a Novel”

There’s Something To Be Said for…

I’m in between writing books. I finished one, and it’s ready for an editor’s critique. In a future post, I’ll discuss the process that I’m tweaking to start writing my next book. But for now, I’m reflecting. I’m feeling introspective. I have the Thinking Man pose. Several things come to mind. Okay, 8 things. There’sContinueContinue reading “There’s Something To Be Said for…”

Tabloids, Grocery Drama, and Fiction

A tabloid made me take my eye off the ball. I was standing in a long line at the grocery store, six back from the register. At least ten more shoppers were behind me. And no other checkout lane was better. A “major” storm was coming to D.C.-metro land. Weather folks had predicted a walloping.ContinueContinue reading “Tabloids, Grocery Drama, and Fiction”

IDK, Am I Hip? Part Two

Last week, I wrote about #WriterAcronyms, and how important it is to understand them if you’re a writer using social media. I also joked about the word “hip”. The concept deserved its own post. So here we are… “Hip” Awareness and Lack Thereof Per Dictionary. com, one of the definitions for hip is: “familiar with orContinueContinue reading “IDK, Am I Hip? Part Two”

9 Things I’m Still Learning from the “Big Read” Experience

I’ve done it again—I finished a draft of my WIP (work-in-progress), printed it out, and did the Big Read. I noticed the following similarities and differences from the time I reached this point with a previous manuscript. It’s still like to see the book printed on 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper. It feels more realContinueContinue reading “9 Things I’m Still Learning from the “Big Read” Experience”

Clawing to The End of a WIP

I’ve been clawing my way to the end of a manuscript. I think this first draft is pretty decent, given how first drafts can be. It just feels like I clawed my way through at the end. Am I the only one who’s felt that way? Getting to the end is so different from the otherContinueContinue reading “Clawing to The End of a WIP”