#DVpit, 10 Things I Noticed

Yesterday, October 17, was #DVpit on Twitter for adult fiction and nonfiction books. “What’s that?” Writers from diverse backgrounds pitched their completed, unpublished manuscript ideas in a tweet. Since it was an organized, publicized effort, agents checked the #DVpit feed on Twitter, looking for manuscripts they may be interested in reading—and hopefully representing. If anContinueContinue reading “#DVpit, 10 Things I Noticed”

14 Marketing and Branding Tips I Learned at the RWA Writers Conference

This post–marketing and branding tips for writers–is part two of all the great things I learned while attending the Romance Writers of America 2018 annual conference. My previous post, part one, covered 12 Writing and Research Tips I Learned. Check. It. Out. But first, look at these 14 marketing and branding tips for writers. Sell swag or merchandise thatContinueContinue reading “14 Marketing and Branding Tips I Learned at the RWA Writers Conference”

A Non-Poet’s Ode to Writer’s Guilt

I wish I were a poet to explain how I feel about writer’s guilt. Then I could adequately express my annoyance with it, at a raw and visceral level. I would paint a picture that covered the five senses. Writer’s guilt would look, feel, taste, sound, and smell like this in my poem.   But I’m notContinueContinue reading “A Non-Poet’s Ode to Writer’s Guilt”

Should I, Can I, Try to Write the Great American Novel?

When I was in my early 20s, I started to tell people that I wanted to be a novelist. Many would respond with something like, “Oh, writing the Great American novel?” Yes, I’d say, naively. I thought it would be awesome to have my name in conversation with the literary greats—Ernest Hemingway, Toni Morrison, etc.,…andContinueContinue reading “Should I, Can I, Try to Write the Great American Novel?”

It’s Just a First Draft, Right?

I know, it’s just a first draft. Just get it out! Just go crazy! Just brain dump! Who cares how many times you just wrote “just?” Or that you used too many exclamation points? Don’t worry about commas or split infinitives or run-on sentences or bad grammar. In some cases, you may not even beContinueContinue reading “It’s Just a First Draft, Right?”

Why a Creative Outlet Can Make You a Better Writer

I started, stopped and recently re-started making jewelry. I started because I would see a necklace at a store, for instance, and analyze the ways that it could look different.  I thought that I had an eye for accessories, and decided to take a jewelry-making class in 2013, just for the heck of it. AfterContinueContinue reading “Why a Creative Outlet Can Make You a Better Writer”

Establishing a Daily Routine to Help My Writing

It’s time that I start working on a writing routine, because yesterday morning I spent about 90 minutes looking at YouTube videos from the Graham Norton Show. By the end of it, I had tears streaming down my face and an ab workout from laughing so much. Then, writer’s guilt slapped me in the face.ContinueContinue reading “Establishing a Daily Routine to Help My Writing”

Yikes, I Just Signed Up for NANO

I just signed up for NANO. What have I done? *faints* Many writers know why those seemingly harmless initials can cue thoughts of fainting, cold sweats, and uncontrollable facial twitching—and that’s the reaction for those of us who haven’t even participated in NANO before. If the term NANO is new to you, it’s a tenderContinueContinue reading “Yikes, I Just Signed Up for NANO”

How Do I Update My LinkedIn Profile to Show that I’m Working on a Novel Full-Time?

The last day at my 8-to-5 job was Friday, so yesterday I decided to update my resume on LinkedIn. (Can you tell I’m excited for this new phase in my life?) I clicked on the “Add new position” link, which took me to a drop-down menu. I froze at that point, because I wasn’t sureContinueContinue reading “How Do I Update My LinkedIn Profile to Show that I’m Working on a Novel Full-Time?”

9 Historical-Romance-Inspired Items (Not) to Wear to Your Next Staff Meeting

What would happen if you wore a regency-era accessory or piece of clothing in today’s workplace? It would make things more interesting, wouldn’t it? You would be the talk of your team, department, floor, or heck, maybe even the whole company. You could suddenly be catapulted from “Jill in Accounting” to “Jill in Accounting WhoContinueContinue reading “9 Historical-Romance-Inspired Items (Not) to Wear to Your Next Staff Meeting”